Sunday, January 12, 2014

Wednesday Jan.8

Today was our third day of orientation at the Concourse Hotel in Madison, Wisconsin.  My day started off with breakfast at 7:30 am.  After that we went right into audit cases.  During our four hour morning session we focused on auditing cash.  We first had an example by our speakers.  After we went through the example we had a case to practice on ourselves.  This whole process took up the morning session.  We broke for lunch and then continued on with an afternoon four hour session.  We once again focused on audit during this session.  Our main focus was how to audit accounts payable.  We had our speakers go over an example again and then did one on our own.  After this we did not have much time left, and we over quickly how to audit other sections of a company’s accounting process.  That wrapped up our audit training for the day.  That night we had dinner on our own.  I went out with other interns to make connections with people in other offices.  After that we came back to the hotel and went to bed.  This day was very intense, but yet fun.
                My impressions of the company so far are all positive.  I know that this internship is going to be a lot of work, but everyone seems to be fun.  All the employees I have met so far have been very nice and welcoming.  They all also seem like they want to help us interns in any way possible, to make sure we have a successful internship.  So as a company based on employees I think Wipfli LLP is great.  When I look at the company in general it gets me very excited.  They showed us a culture presentation and they told us about their visions for the future.  They have an encouraging path ahead and said that they will need a lot of employees to get where they want to go.  This made me think that there was a chance for many of us interns to have an opportunity possibly after school to come back to Wipfli LLP and continue our careers.  I do not have much information on my project yet since we have mainly focused on orientation and just learning more about what Wipfli LLP does. 

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