Sunday, January 12, 2014

Friday Jan. 10

Today was my last day of orientation and we were onto tax.  I started off just like I started every day with breakfast at 7:30 am.  Right at 8:00 am we jumped into our morning tax session of four hours.  We had a professor from UW Milwaukee come in on Thursday and Friday to teach us tax.  Today he went through a packet of information that he had brought for us on taxes.  Throughout the packet there were breaks for “cases”.  This would go over what he had just talked about with a problem.  We usually had 30-45 minutes to work on these with our tables depending on the difficulty level.  We did two cases during the morning and then broke for lunch.  After lunch we got back together and finished the packets and cases.  We went through things like a Schedule A, K-1, and how everything flows to your 1040.  It was very informational, but it was also a lot to take in during a short period of time.   After we finished the packet and the cases we had our closing remarks and everyone could leave.  This was the last day of our orientation. 

                I still do not have much information on my project because I have not been in the office this whole week.  I do know though after this week that Wipfli LLC is a place that encourages teamwork.  I think I will have a lot of resources for my project, and would not be surprised if I was working with a group of people on this project during my J-Term.

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