Sunday, January 26, 2014

Thursday Jan. 23

                Today was just a normal day in the office for me.  I was finishing up a returning I had been working on all week.  We started off with bank returns and those are the some of the hardest ones.  We have been told by multiple people that if we can get these down any other tax will be a breeze.  There is no other Wipfli LLP location that starts their interns with these.  It is neat that they have the confidence in us though to give us such a challenge.  There is not a day I go to work and think it is going to be an easy day.  At noon I went out to lunch with my peer advisor.  Every intern gets assigned a peer advisor.  This is a staff level associate.  They are supposed to be the person you can go to with any general simple questions like what to wear to something or where paper clips are.  Just someone you should feel very comfortable with.  It was a lot of fun going to lunch with her and just talking.  We talked about how my internship was going and about life in general.  After about an hour lunch we headed back to work.  I did more returns in the afternoon.  They never get repetitive though since every client is different.  I stayed at work until about 6:30 today and then headed home.  

                I had an internship at a company called Wipfli LLP.  They are an accounting and consulting firm that is international.  They are mainly focused in the Midwest though currently.  I was at their Madison location and was an accounting intern.  I did both tax and audit while at this internship.  For the tax side I did both individual and corporate tax.  I audited nonprofit companies and manufacturing companies while there as well.  I really enjoyed my experience.  I was very focused while interning.  There were many deadlines that were required to be met during my time there.  I developed exquisite time management skills throughout the internship.  There were multiple times where I would have more than one project assigned to me at a time.  I would have to prioritize them and make sure they were all finished when they were supposed to be.  I also paid attention to detail.  Accounting is a field where flipping one number could make a huge difference.  I was very attentive and made sure my work was done to the best of my ability.  That internship prepared me to be a great accountant after school.

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